Rhode Island Reds and or Opringtons


8 Years
Jun 16, 2011
Belton, TX
We're getting ready to move to Texas from Cali and were wanting to get chickens again
. We've had some backyard chickens before (two modern game bantam girls) but are still relativly new to chicken keeping. Since the new house has much more room we're looking into full sized Rhode Island Reds, and perhaps Opringtons too. Im looking for advice and your experiences with these breeds. Tempermant and heat tolerance mainly. Also if you know if they would get along with eachother, That would be great, Thanks
I am new to chickens...I've had them for 5 weeks. I have 4 buff orpingtons and 4 rhode island reds. They get along great and they are tolerating the heat in Central Florida. They are pretty funny and entertaining. I think one or 2 might be roosters so I am going to have to give them away. I live in city limits and am not allowed chickens so I don't want to advertise with crowing! Luckily I have a 6 foot privacy fence so no one can see in!
Aw, they are too cute! thanks for the info Max and ginny. I can't wait to get my babies..I guess it would be a good idea to build a coop first
I have a Rhode Island Red roo, Red (creative, I know!
), and a flock of Buff Orpingtons. They BO's tend to be more lap chickens, they lay well and are super broody. RIR tend to be a wee bit more agressive, but lay and take the heat a whole lot better. I've lost about 6 of my buffs to the heat this month. They get along just fine.

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