Rhode Island Whites, Buckeyes...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 8, 2009
Anyone know where I can find quality breeders of these two types of birds? I'm looking for better quality birds rather than just hatchery style. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks! ~DanverGuy
Rhode Island Whites are tough. Some people insist that no such bird exists. They are supposed to have a rose comb but most of the hatcheries have them as single combs. If you want nice "so-called-RIWs", Duane Urch has them.

Urch/Turnland Poultry
2142 NW 47 Ave.
Owatonna, MN 55060
Call between 7pm and 9pm CST
Hey, Clyde here from North Texas.. I have Rose Comb Rhode Island Whites.. They are the large size original breed admitted to the standards in the early nineteen hundreds.. The single comb RIW that most people have are just like white rocks..I am hatching more birds at this time.. I will have extra eggs soon in limited quanities of up to a dozen.. I will list them on Ebay soon... I don't have a price set yet but if someone wants some I will send 10 eggs and include free priority shipping for $30.00.. email me at [email protected] if you want to get on my list.. so far my list has 0 people so you could be first.. I will accept pay pal or postal money orders..

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