Rhode Island Whites


12 Years
May 3, 2007
New Mexico
I am curious about my two girls Lily and Katie. They were supposed to be Rhode Island Whites, and I think they probably are because I found out which hatchery my feed store uses and they do breed them. I know they are a seperate breed from the RIR, but that is almost all I know. they have white cheek feathers, but the info I read says they still lay brown eggs. Does anyone else have some? Can you give me any more info on them? At 17 weeks old they are already the same size as my RIR girls are at 20 weeks, and getting broader by the day. The barred in the second pic is also 17 weeks. They are not affectionate, and are the worst for pecking hard at treats without really looking at the object they are pecking at, if you know what I mean. Thanks!

I cant tell you anything about the breed, but it's not the cheek feathers that indicate egg color. It's the earlobes and your white birds have red earlobes, indicating brown eggs(usually). Hopefully, someone can tell you about them. I try not to have white chickens around here so I dont know anything about those.
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I have five RIW and just love them. Poopybutt my roo is one of those RIW. I also have NHR and the RIW lay darker brown eggs than the reds. I love their temperment. Mine have been completely spoiled though because they were my first chickens ever since I was a girl. I don't have recent pics, but the girls and Poopybutt are gorgeous. I'm thinking next summer, the girls and the roo are going to the fair. Will try to find some new batteries around here to put in the camera and will post when I can.
Zen, I avoid white chickens because I live in the mountains and my birds freerange. I only have one white chicken, a Light Brahma, so she has black markings on her as well, but she was an accident and marked as a Buff Brahma at the feedstore. I love her, but she doesn't leave the pen for long periods of time since I have her separated for breeding anyway. Just easier to camoflage a Barred Rock or RIR, etc, in the woods amidst the oak leaves. So far, I havent lost a chicken to any predator in the two years I've had them, but my time may come, color notwithstanding.
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I know this is an old link but I have a question?
Is it true that Rhode Island Whites are rosecombed only? If so, what are the single combed Rhode Isalnd Whites that the hatcheries are selling? Were the RIW created using RIR or not?
Rhode Island Whites are standardized in rose comb only. Who know what hatchery SC RI Whites might be. I suspect poor White Rocks. I'm not sure of the breed's origin.

BTW-the ear lobe rule is not universal, there are exceptiions. Hollands & Lamonas to name 2. Both have red lobes & lay white eggs.
A lot of the feed stores purchase White Rocks..that may be what they are since they are getting so large quickly. They are much bigger than Rhode Island Whites.
However...RIW may have either a straight or rose comb according to what I read when I had them.
You may want to do more reading on the breed..
R.I. Whites are a Rose Comb Only[/i] breed and are quite big..
Hatcheries sell a chicken that they call a R.I. White but there R.I. Whites are about as much a R.I. White as there Ameraucanas (EE's) are a Ameraucana and the same goes with hatchery R.I.Reds...

The Rhode Island Red is said to be made up of three breeds of chickens;
The Partridge Cochin, White Wyandottes, And the Rose Comb White Leghorn.
The shape of both the Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites is the horizontal,
oblong body. (brick shape)


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