Rhode Rock laid a blue egg??🤯

I'm no expert on breeds, especially with but a photo to go on, but my best guess would be a black australorp. They should lay light brown eggs. My thinking is that she may not be the hen that laid the egg, even though she sat as if she were trying to do so. Do chickens get Braxton's hicks? Haha. An Ameraucana doesn't usually have those wattles. I suppose there are always exceptions, but that photo doesn't look representative of an Ameraucana to me.
Braxton Hicks!🤣🤣 Never thought about that but... Now I want to know!!
Where did you get these birds?
I've found that the 'breed names' of chickens can be thrown about with inaccurate looseness.
I must be getting old (that would be a truism), but I never heard of a skyline, a bluebell or a Rhode Rock. I'm assuming the latter is a cross of a Plymouth Rock and either a Rhode Island Red or Rhode Island White.
I tend to despise inaccurate looseness.
At first, I thought those were the chickens' names. :)
I must be getting old (that would be a truism), but I never heard of a skyline, a bluebell or a Rhode Rock. I'm assuming the latter is a cross of a Plymouth Rock and either a Rhode Island Red or Rhode Island White.
I tend to despise inaccurate looseness.
At first, I thought those were the chickens' names. :)
Skylines, Bluebells, and Rhode Rocks are all hatchery hybrids. Skylines are developed from Cream Legbars. Bluebells are fancy EEs, and Rhode Rocks are RIRxPlymouth Rocks.
Ok I’m majorly confused, we recently got 3 chickens. Skyline, Bluebell and Rhode Rock.

The skyline was laying when we got her and the Rhode Rock looked ready. Today I got 2 blue eggs in the space of an hour. I seen both of them in that nesting box so conclusion would be 1 each buuut the Rhode Rock isn’t supposed to lay blue. Now I’m questioning is she is a Rhode Rock. We wanted one of them so when we went to pick my daughter wanted 1 with the most ‘green shimmer’. She is basically black with no red neck.

Has anyone got any insights on this?
I know this thread is ancient but I just wanted to comment because this literally happened to me today.
I have a Skyline who has been laying pretty much since we got her. Amongst our non-layers are a Bluebell, and a Rhode Rock with almost no red on her neck because we wanted the most goth and also shimmery.
Earlier today I found 2 green eggs in the nest area where the Skyline usually lays, and I couldn't figure it out so I came to BYC.
Turns out I didn't know the Bluebell would lay green eggs, so that mystery is solved, but it was so strange reading your post because the situation is almost identical to mine.

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