RI RED, extremely docile, sweet and smaller than others


9 Years
Apr 24, 2013
I have 6 5-week old RI Reds. They are now with the bigger guys, 3 white leghorns, who are free-range most of the time, and out of their way. I have noticed that one Red is very docile, smaller and sweet in comparison to the other 4, definitely less in weight. Nothing seems wrong. She does eat less and stays to her self a lot. I have watched everyone in action and no one, RI Reds or Leghorns, are picking on each other. I have little experience and wonder if I am missing clues about sickness, etc., that I could be helping with. Please, any advice?
If you could post a picture that would help. Your small chick might be a bantam or is eating less due to the other birds eating more. You could either feed them more or take a couple of the chicks and separate them and feed them separately until she gains weight...he/she could even have parasites. There are lots of possibilities.
Sorry to be just getting back to you,Whitti. Thank you for the suggestion to isolate her from the bigger guys. I took the little lady and put her back in the brooder with her own feeder and water. I gave her some vitamin supplements in a molasses mixture, and put her on the antibiotic feed she had while in the brooder. We put a secured screen between her and some 1 week old bantams, and she loved watching them (and they her). She has really perked up and is eating well. I have put her in the run with the other RI Reds and she is doing fine, but for a few days I will monitor her closely and bring her into the brooder at night. Seems to be working. I made a natural dewormer - sunflower seeds ground, pumpkin puree and apple cider vinegar. She didn't eat any of it, but the others loved it. That's an understandment!! Thanks again for taking the time to read my concern. What a Chick (Jan)

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