Rice Flour?


12 Years
Mar 11, 2010
While I am currently chickenless
, I plan on getting a half dozen in May.
I have been reading quite a bit about the wide variety of foods chickens can eat and I started to wonder about some foods, one of which is rice flour.
I have a small bag of regular rice flour and sweet rice flour from a dish I made (that will only be made once as it turned out less than tasty) and I have gotten curious if it can be mixed into feed for chicks or chickens.
I would hate to just have to pitch the flour and the only other thing I can think to use it for is a paste glue for crafting.
If it would be good to feed to chicks or chickens then I will keep it around.

Is rice flour safe and healthy for chickens to eat?
Can it be fed to chicks as well?
Is there any other use for this flour?
Rice flour would be safe and possibly even healthy for them but since it's such fine particles I'm not sure they'd eat it as is. You would probably have to stick it together with something. I don't know if there's some no sugar chicken cookies you could bake or just mix it up with some egg. Egg is a good treat and source of protein for chicks. It's what they ate before they hatched.
I may be able to make some sugarless cookie like treats, or just mix it into some scrambled eggs.
Rice flour does get incredibly sticky and glue like when it gets moisture, so I'm a little unsure as to how well it will work.
Would it be possible to just mix it into crumbles or regular feed or would rice flour be a better treat than a main food?
I don't like mixing anything in to their regular food. Their poultry feed is balanced for what they need and should be left alone. Treat or supplements should be fed seperately so you can control the amount or they can control the amount since chickens will generally eat what they need except for a few foods. I still think if you leave it as a powder they won't eat it. Even mixed in their feed you are just going to have more powder left at the bottom of the feeder. They'll peck the crumbles out and leave the specks of flour.
Chickens usually love rice, tho mine are spoiled and will only eat brown rice. They think the white stuff is icky.
You could mix the flour w/yoghurt or buttermilk and oats (to soak up the liquid and make a "mash"...maybe add a little over-ripe banana, some frozen peas...
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