
Isn't a female cardinal brownish and the male only red? If that's true than a red one couldn't be laying an egg.
somebody tol me this one and
i can't figure it out does anybody know here it is

what room u can not enter

help so i can call her with the answer thanks.
1) Nose?

2) Compass?

3) Donated Blood?

4) Earth?


If you like riddles (or any kind of puzzle/trivia) you might like Braingle... my website link goes straight there.

And now, to go back and see others' answers.

Edit... okay, may have gotten one right...

The more you take the more you leave behind... TIME, though I could also go with food or water... eww

1. What can you hold without ever touching it or using your hands? Your Breath

2. What turns everything around, but does not move? Gravity?

3. What can you put in a wood box that will make it lighter? A Hole (obvious answer there's prolly another)

and then this is more of a puzzle,

4. Six glasses are in a row.
The first three are full of juice; the second three are empty.
By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so empty and full glasses alternate?

If you moved any one full to the end of the empties, or any one empty to the front of the fulls then they would be alternated... just not in ones. *shrug*
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