Ring around the chicken run- plants


May 26, 2020
I want to plant some... plants around my chicken run, they can nibble on what goes in to the run and I can enjoy them as well. What do you recommend for planting around coop/run area
I’m not sure I’ve tried multiple types of flowers and succulents but the chickens just eat them and destroy them. 😬
Mine won’t have access to the whole plant, just whatever grows in to the run. I’m hoping that way they can’t destroy it 😂probably wishful thinking
Marigolds! They are my chicks and chickens #1 favorite. They love to eat them and I get to enjoy the pretty flowers. They are super easy to grow and you can save the seeds from the dead flower heads to plant even more.
Well, I’m not an expert by any means, but so Far beginning about six inches out side my run fence I have Set in comfrey root slips, calendula, chysanthemum, chickweed, plantain, Cherry tomato, kale, kohlrabi, and marjoram starts. I also seeded with the some sunflower seed gifted by a friend years ago, all the seriously out dated seed and escapees Collected from the bottom of my seed saving tin whenever i did my spring sort out. I also included a few melon squash and bean seed that were extra from my “people garden“ purchases this spring.

So far this work in-progress is about ten days old.
some wild birds have been finding sunflower seeds and the peas from outside the fences and I’ve lost a few chrysanthemum seeds frommisjudging how Hard those chickens could yank, I won’t let them access chrysanthemum buds til the roots develop more Thourally.

lots and lots of new sprouts, some bean, peas, and LOTS of greens in the brassica /mustards family.

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