RIR acting listless


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 8, 2007
Los Altos, CA
I have a 20 month old RIR hen who stopped laying 2-3 weeks ago which didn't worry me as much before but yesterday afternoon I noticed she was sitting down more in the run with her eyes closed (always a sign of trouble). She free ranged yesterday morning until early afternoon and seemed fine. I saw her eating some worms then. But in the afternoon, she was just sitting in the shade. Then she pooed a white watery poo.

I looked at her poo overnight underneath the roost and it looked like the watery poo in this picture. And now i remember seeing that a day or two ago too.


This morning, she laid down a few times and actually closed her eyes while standing a few times too. Then I thought she was faking it b/c she eagerly devoured up sunflower seeds when I offered it. But I haven't seen her eating her layer feed in a while. Yesterday I gave her yogurt which she consumed and today i made a yogurt mashed with feed which I saw her eating too.

I've been watching her in the chicken cam today while at work and looks like she went back into the coop onto the roost (which made the buff orpington follow her up there too).

Maybe i'm overreacting but her fellow RIR passed away suddenly in dec due to an impacted egg so I am trying to be more vigilant about the girls' health. She's not panting or heaving or anything. Just seems slower and more listless. Though when i let her out to free range this morning she did run about when she noticed me trying to pick her up.

Anything else I should be trying? My DH doesn't really want me to take her to the vet but maybe I should.
An update: I quarantined her and am trying to get her to eat. I felt her crop and it doesn't feel very full so I think she is not eating very much. I gave her some yogurt mixed with pellets and oatmeal. Now i gave her some scrambled eggs. I also mixed in some apple cider vinegar with her water but i think it's making her not want to drink it.
Have you checked her for a possible impacted egg? Has she laid an egg recently? Sounds like you are doing the right thing, getting her to eat and drink as much as possible. Have they been wormed?
Okay another update. She hadn't laid for the last 3 weeks but I didn't think much of it till now since I thought maybe she was just taking a break. I dewormed now with piperazine a few days ago. And now i have apple cider vinegar in their water. She's still not eating feed and still has the runny poos but she is drinking a lot so that is good. She almost seems to be drinking constantly. Is that a sign of anything? She perks up if I let them out to free range. I even saw her destroying my cauliflower plants. She will also eat yogurt and other treats I offer (just slowly).

I saw her today standing and a little puffed up with her eyes closed. Of course then after i opened the door to let her out, she ran wild through the backyard and looked fine.

Anything else I can do?
Oh i should note that there are a lot of RIR feathers all over the run. Could a molt be causing her to go off her feed?
Molting will make them a little more listless, could just be the issue. I would just keep trying to get her to eat more--the yogurt with crumbles is great. High protein treats such as scrambled egg, small amounts cat food, sunflower seeds, will help her get back on her feet if she is molting. Keep a close eye on her, and keep us posted!

ETA--that watery poo could be from lack of food, and all the water she is drinking. Hopefully there are no kidney issues...
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Looks like it was just a molt. In the past week, she has definitely lost more feathers but is now eating again and acting normal. She even pecked me a few times. thanks everyone!

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