Hi, I have 4 hens. Three are 35 weeks old (EE, BO RIR) and one RIR who will be 3 yrs in the spring. My younger RIR, Pippi is constantly pecking people. It used to be shoes & clothes, then lightly on skin when someone first comes outside. Now she is relentlessly pecking hands and any exposed skin she can find. My elderly mom has to wear high boots outsider from getting pecked so bad that she has bled. Just a couple of weeks ago she would peck my hands but it was tolerable, but now she is trying too hard & all the time. The other day I locked her in the run when I was winterizing the run because she was relentless. I have been trying to "Cesar Milan" her by flicking her back on her comb & body (like another chicken might peck her) but she always comes back for more. I refuse to give in to a chicken & she needs to know that I rule the roost! She is not highest in the pecking order either, she's 3rd & occasionally 2nd. Please help me get my girl past this behavior. It wouldn't be as bad if she was distant but she is actually very friendly & loves to be held! Thanks.
So, after reading other posts I would like to clarify that her pecking is actually biting - open beak, full on biting, not sweet little pecks. I just read about someone who pins them down on their side to stop it. I'm going out to go try that now! Any suggestions?
So, after reading other posts I would like to clarify that her pecking is actually biting - open beak, full on biting, not sweet little pecks. I just read about someone who pins them down on their side to stop it. I'm going out to go try that now! Any suggestions?
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