RIR difficulty with pooping, possible crop blockage, advice needed!

I'm so sorry about this. (I just got back on line after the stomach flu or I would have responded.) I'm very interested in the vet's necropsy (I do necropsies on my own birds. Took a workshop and am otherwise self-taught.) I'm surprised a city vet knew how to do a necropsy on a chicken. Did he/she send her out to a lab? How did they determine it was Marek's? I don't think that the vent issues were related to the Marek's. I've had chickens that have gotten sick and suddenly died after severe cold/rain/damp. I've learned my lesson and am very careful to keep things dry and provide dust baths in kitty litter tubs (you can see them on my livestreaming cam at www.HenCam.com) Anyway, I'm surprised by the Marek's diagnosis, and would be interested to hear more.
That's a good question, I had a hard time even connecting with the vet afterward. It's a long, expensive story, we ended up driving 2 and half hours south to Oregon State University where they had the Vet school. It was our first sick hen and our favorite at the time so it was tough for us. Now we try to diagnose and treat and home, and hope for the best. My next skill I'm afraid might be to learn how to cull myself.

Let's see if I can attach a copy of the vet's full report below. Let me know what you think. We've lost 2 birds since and they all seem to have had this shaking/pushing tremor thing going on. I'm assuming it's Mareks taking its toll, but would be good to have a second opinion.
Since then we've treated our flock with Valbazen and try to do ACV in the water once every couple of weeks.
Control of parasites should be primarily done by management. Keep the coop dry, remove the manure, break the lifecycle of the parasites. (I have more at my website.)

I've had vaccinated and unvaccinated for Marek's. There's a strong genetic component with who survives. Vaccinated hens can survive, and if they live into old age develop huge tumors from the disease (that I've seen.) Given a choice, I now get vaccinated chicks.

Also, as you've found, it's rare that the cost of a vet's visit, and the advice they give, makes it worthwhile. I have a lot on my site about what do do if your hen is sick and how to evaluate it.

Don't be discouraged!
Oh goodness, I'm sorry about your loss. I came here looking for advice on this very subject. I noticed a poopy matted bum on one of my BRs last night and took her in for a bath and some TLC. She spent the night in the house with us. Got most of the poo off but she's still very lethargic and not eating or wanting to roost. I have to work today so she's alone and I'm more worried. I don't have the money to take her to the vets, they are super expensive here. Can anyone suggest a home treatment? Continued sitz baths? Just wait it out?
That's a tough call Suez. Definitely help the hen clear the matted poop with a bath, and I would recommend at least starting with a natural remedy for internal parasites:

1 clove of garlic chopped finely
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons yogurt
a little splash of ACV
If she's weak, a little honey is good too.

I'll mix this up, sometimes with a little scratch and the chickens eat it up. Have you wormed your flock before?
Thanks for the words of wisdom! We definitely have to come up with a plan for reducing the manure and moisture in their run. I'll check out your site!
That's a tough call Suez. Definitely help the hen clear the matted poop with a bath, and I would recommend at least starting with a natural remedy for internal parasites:

1 clove of garlic chopped finely
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons yogurt
a little splash of ACV
If she's weak, a little honey is good too.

I'll mix this up, sometimes with a little scratch and the chickens eat it up. Have you wormed your flock before?

Thank you for the reply. Never wormed them before, did not realize it was needed. I will have to stop by the farm store on the way home. I tried to give her some oatmeal this morning but she wasn't interested. Tonight I will try to mix up a concoction based on your list. May I ask, what is AVC?

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