RIR & EE mix????


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 26, 2011
I have a RIR Rooster and a bunch on EE hens, I hatched out 1 egg and had believed it to be a shy beautiful hen... But now she/he has the the EE beard, and green feathers like the RIR Roosters do..... Is there any chance..any chance at all the its a gurl???? I will post a pic as soon as I can catch a pic of it (very shy)
I have a RIR Rooster and a bunch on EE hens, I hatched out 1 egg and had believed it to be a shy beautiful hen... But now she/he has the the EE beard, and green feathers like the RIR Roosters do..... Is there any chance..any chance at all the its a gurl???? I will post a pic as soon as I can catch a pic of it (very shy)
Pictures would definitely help :)

How old is the chick in question?
I like the way it looks!! Sorry can't tell you what sex it is, but it makes me want to hatch my RIR eggs since I have an EE rooster. My silkie/EE mix has a beard too if that is any help. It is still a fluff ball, so can't tell about the feathers yet. Hope your's is a girl!

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