RIR gender help please 21 weeks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 8, 2013
We have our first lots of chickens. the RIR and light Sussex are 21 weeks old. Pretty certain the light Sussex is a cockerel but still unsure of the RIR? Always thought pullet but I'm worried about the green tail feathers. No signs of crowing or laying from either. Opinions please?http://[img]http://i1343.photobucke...8147c9117c7316896c56196_zps3edbc39e.jpg[/IMG]http://[img]http://i1343.[img]http:...03e152fbd1e9fa908f74fc9_zpsf1cecf89.jpg[/IMG]

Thanks! When we got the Ancona the comb flopped to one side as it should for a puller but now seems to be standing up a lot more?
Hy! Does anyone know why my hen isn't laying? I rescued her from a centre and they're not sure on the breed I think she's a mutt! I've had her for a couple ofvmonths now but she hasn't been laying. She s ealthy and eats fine and her poop is normal too. Please if anyone thinks they knw the answer tell me! Thanks!
The ancona looks like. A rooster. Lol he's adorable, has he got a name? My roos called colnel clukkerbuff ot clucks for short! He sure knows how to give a stink eye!
Thecomb might have been flapping coz of a bad diet then when u got it its health probably impeovd. Hope this helps!
The Ancona is Milly, my daughters and unfortunately we are not allowed roosters where I live. She will be devastated as we already had to return her SLW 'princess polkadot' as he turned out to be a prince!

More pics of the LS. He had a very red prominent combs/wattles early which seem to have stopped growing now


I'm only new to this weirdopegirl shame she's not laying but I thought sometimes they can take quite a while when moving to a new place?

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