RIR laying green eggs!? O_O

Howdy sort-of-neighbor! I'm in Riverside county.

It's not a RIR.. she's an Easter Egger. Crossing her with a Marans will give daughters that lay darker green eggs. However if she isn't pure for the 'colored egg' gene, then half of the daughters will lay brown- with the other half laying darker green eggs.
thats pretty funny haha I should try that
i got a rir pullet that just started laying and it took me a while to figure out that it was she who was laying these pale green eggs. i asked the farmer from which i purchased her and he told me that rir do sometimes lay a green egg....but this is like once in a green moon freak type thing..he said that she is a true rir but there is some sort of recessive gene that affects the egg color..i truly trust this guy because he is a 3rd gen. farmer and he knows a great deal...so consider yourself very fortunate....cross her with a marans or any rooster carrying a dark brown egg gene, maybe you will get a hen with a deeper green laying trait
here i have a freakishly lg blue egg from my ameraucana named Liberty in the middle and the other 2 are from my rir named Rouge..you can tell that the one in the middle is slightly lighter
I think that farmer feed you a big line of $!@$(*!#*(%&_!#%& !_.
Rhode Island Reds do not and have never laid green eggs. Recessive probably because they have somewhere down the line mixed in a blue egg gene.

Just saying!
Think I'd find me someone else to purchase Rhode Island Reds from.
I had the same thing happen with some Rhode Island Reds from Ideal. All the same color, yellow legs, single combs, the whole nine yards for RIRs.

Until they began to lay and one of them produced a green egg. Started looking closely at each one only to discover lo and behold that one of them had small ear tufts. There was my culprit. There was an EE somewhere in her genetic woodpile just as there is one in yours.
i got a rir pullet that just started laying and it took me a while to figure out that it was she who was laying these pale green eggs. i asked the farmer from which i purchased her and he told me that rir do sometimes lay a green egg....but this is like once in a green moon freak type thing..he said that she is a true rir but there is some sort of recessive gene that affects the egg color..i truly trust this guy because he is a 3rd gen. farmer and he knows a great deal...so consider yourself very fortunate....cross her with a marans or any rooster carrying a dark brown egg gene, maybe you will get a hen with a deeper green laying trait

Sometimes farmers who sell junk birds will make up stories to cover up the fact that they're selling junk birds. This happens much more often than Rhode Island Reds who lay green eggs which never happens.
I love my green egg girls. As long as you are not into showing, enjoy your green surprise eggs! The farmer is probably just misinformed not trying to deceive you. As far as the hatchery goes I would let them know that you did not get what you ordered. Even if you are happy with your hen they should have given you what you ordered. I would also post your experience in the thread for hatchery reviews.

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