RIR pullet will not eat on her own


10 Years
Sep 26, 2009
Hello all...first time poster here.
I scanned the boards but did not find my hens issue so I am asking here.

RIR about 4-5 months old.
Seems lighter than the others at about 4 lbs.
I have owned her since she was 2 weeks old
Never medicated other than the first 2-3 weeks of medicated scratch

Symptoms: She stopped eating a week ago. I have been feeding her Oatmeal and tomatoes and some of the pellets in addition to giving her water twice a day. I have also given her some grit.

She can move fine on her own (can even fly a bit), but prefers to just sleep on the roosting bar.

When she tries to eat, it seems like she can't. Her head goes to the ground, but she can't peck. This is the part I am worried about.

Her beak seems ok, as I have been opening it to feed and hydrate her. She will fight me when feeding her so she still has some spunk.

The other chickens seem to annoy her occasionally, but not to the point I have isolated her (although I have been letting her wander the yard in hopes she will eat something).

Any ideas?
Symptoms: She stopped eating a week ago. I have been feeding her Oatmeal and tomatoes and some of the pellets in addition to giving her water twice a day. I have also given her some grit.

Are you saying that she has stopped eating except for oatmeal and tomatoes and some pellets, or are you saying she's stopped eating period?

Have you checked for lice or mites? She could be lethargic from anemia if she has an infestation.

Is her comb bright red, or pale? This is usually a good indicator if it is something parasitic or disease-oriented.

When she tries to eat, it seems like she can't. Her head goes to the ground, but she can't peck. This is the part I am worried about.

Have you tried feeding her from a dish that's at her head level to see if it makes a difference? Does she act like she perhaps has trouble seeing the food when she wants to eat it? Does it look like it hurts her in any way to lower her head to eat?

I hope your hen gets well soon!
Hopefully someone who knows more than I will come and help you more.​
She only eats when I feed her manually.

Her comb seems to be the normal red color.

I have noticed some black secretions around her nose vents.

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