RIRs or BAs?


10 Years
Jul 8, 2012
Shenandoah Valley
For those who have raised both breeds, and considering only egg production (number of eggs/length of laying/size of eggs), do you prefer RIRs or BAs?

I want purebred RIRs and RIR/BA crosses but my husband wants just the opposite. I told him I'd ask the opinions of those who know...
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We bought 5 RIR pullets, after a lot of research. I wanted BAs but we found RIRs close to us. My husband then suggested getting an RIR rooster. We ordered 7 more RIR eggs from a hatchery, assuming at least one would be a rooster. But they got cancelled. So, b/c there were no RIRs available at the hatcheries we looked at, we ordered BAs, which made ME happy. The eggs that came are kind of small, even compared to other breeds we've had in the past. I pushed for an RIR rooster b/c they seem more in demand, while my hubby decided the amt of eggs is more important than the size. He wanted a BA rooster. We are looking for a prolific laying breed w/ extra-large eggs and our research really narrowed things down to these two breeds (besides both being larger dual-purpose breeds and better-natured than most). So...I told him I would ask on line to see if productivity and size were really different b/t the two breeds. That's why we're deadlocked. (And I'm really hoping for some input...)
Thanks for the explanation.
Pretty hard to get prolific extra-large eggs and decent meat out of the same breed.
Most high production breeds are 'slim' birds, putting all their resources into egg making.
'Dual purpose' is a term loosely used and is not the 'best of both'.

Hopefully someone with experience with both, long term, will step in and advise.

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