Rival Neighborhood Gangs

Close the gate and maybe have a chat with the neighbor,,, are you in a town/city?
They surely can get over the fence, but will they,,,?

We are in a town. I will definitely talk with her. She knows they roam around the circle and told me that one of the other neighbors has already complained. I never cared before because they eat bugs! Now I helped train them that there is food at my house! :he

"Will they" is really what I was wondering. Will they hear my chickens and then be determined to get over here, like some animals would be? If they do, it sounds like they will bully them for food. I did search for other posts on chickens killing chickens and it sounds like it happens. I will just have to be extra careful until they are fully grown.
I was planning to leave them just in that for a few weeks to make sure that they know ... how to get into the coop.

Wait! Chickens can learn how to get back in the coop?!? In just a few weeks? Mine often can't even find the door. In broad daylight, with treats, after 6 months. What on earth am I doing wrong?? Silly chickens.

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