Roaches, Palmeto bugs, water bugs... whatever!

troy b

5 Years
Oct 8, 2014
I have what ever you want to call them but at night my coop is infested with these creatures! I have young chics will they eventually grow into eating these pests? and is it healthy? What to do for the time being?
Looks like you are getting no answers. I don't think it's healthy for them to eat the roaches…but most roaches are active at nite when chickens are asleep.

You may get some experienced answers on the Florida folks forum, would try reposting there….don't know where you are but bet the FLA folks have answers.
They should be fine for them to eat. If just having them in there bothers you(I don't like it) try putting son DE in the coop. Often it will irritate the bugs.
They should be fine for them to eat. If just having them in there bothers you(I don't like it) try putting son DE in the coop. Often it will irritate the bugs.
Chickens can get eye worms from eating roaches…don't know if the chickens themselves have to have the parasite to roach intermediate or if roaches can bring it in. Either way doesn't sound healthy to have them in abundance. I really don't think DE will effect a roach. Best to keep everything as clean as you can, but roaches will eat even the chicken poop. They eat paint, paper, wood, everything. I don't know any safe pesticide..if roach eats it and chicken eats it, I would be concerned. Maybe you need to talk with a professional pest control company?

Do a google search on chickens eating roaches, there's a lot of legitimate resources.
I know boric acid works on roaches. I don't know if that is safe around chickens.
Honestly, when I saw your post, thought you had the answer…but evidently it is toxic to chickens

What about a box trap and bait the roaches and poison them there where they cannot get back to the coop! You know like the old add…roaches check in, but they don't check out…on a larger scale?
What about some of the powders for mites/lice, will those kill roaches? I know they are chicken safe.
But I still like the idea of a roach motel.
The parasites are in the roaches. I use the DE because the palmetto bugs down here are no joke. It will kill mites and the bugs but mostly just irritates them and keeps them out that way. My chickens free range in the day so I don't know what they eat. I sure that the eat them with the numbers that are around. People feel strongly about DE so if you fall on one side or the other it can get heated. I use it and love it. I used it in my pass career as a safe way to deal with insects. Another option is spraying down every thing with a mix of dish soap(dawn) and water, let soak in to everything, clean repeat. Then find somthing to use around all opens( I would use DE) to keep them out. My girls have a tub of DE as there dust bath.
You may want to look at a product called tempo. It will kill the roaches. I haven't used it around my chickens but I do use around the house. From what I have read it is chicken safe once dry. I have used it around my tropical fish, dogs and frogs, with in ill effects. I use it as a barrier around doors windows and eves. I like it. Do your own research though everyone has things that they feel are ok. I don't want you to anything with out look for tour self. I'm just letting you know things I have done or have some experience with.

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