Road Rooster


10 Years
Jan 10, 2010
Richland, WA
I picked up a young or Bantam rooster this evening on the side of the road. I first saw him pecking along the sidewalk in town, and than again a few hours later near the same spot sleeping on the sidewalk just a few feet from the busy road. The poor fellow is quite beat up and all the fluff missing from his pin feathers.
I’m thinking he could be an escapee from a chicken truck, but he is just feathers and bones with almost nothing in his crop, so I doubt he was headed for KFC. I’ve given him some layena {since that’s what I have} and some water and will take a closer look at him in the morning.
Does anyone have suggestions for a malnourished bird?
First of all keep him completely seperated from your other chickens. Feed him yogurt, scrambled egg mixed with some feed. I'd put some nutra drench in his water also. I'd also give him a careful close eye inspection looking for lice,mites etc...
Wow! We had the same thing but our little guy was better fed. We found him at the entrance of our drive way when I got home from work. McNuggtJr and I got some feed and went down to lure him closer so I could put a box over him. We scooped him up and took him to the coop. I but him in my "bully" cage. The little white roo seemed to be in good shape otherwise, although he was hungry. Bernie, our RIR was not too happy to have another rooster in the pen, but the little bantam roo is safe for now. I believe he is a bantam cause his comb and spurs (especially the spurs) were well formed. He's probably belongs to one of my neighbors. Going to keep him a few days in case some one is looking for him. If no one comes looking, by the weekend then we will have take him "visiting".

Is stray roos something nomal this time of year? Maybe the dominate roos run the less dominates off?
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Ill try the yougart and eggs, but so far he is not the least bit interested in eating, or moving. But on the bright side he dosent seem to be hurt physically. Thanks.
The little bugger is finally eating the yogurt and eggs though it did take some persuading. As it turns out he is favoring one leg. Though I can’t find anything wrong with the other one he won’t put any weight on it. No sign of mites or lice, but hell stay separated from the girls till he’s fully recovered.
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Looks llike a really sad meat bird to me. Its good that you picked him up but once the weight piles on him (if he indeed is a meat bird) you will have only one option.....unless you keep his feed intake to a minimum.
From as bad as it looks. I would make sure you completely sanitize your self before getting near your chickens.. I mean even your clothes or shoes that touch the soil by him.. He looks pretty sick... And chickens dont actually get sick with a flu or cold.. Only the really bad stuff that can infect your whole flock. Be careful with that guy.. Just a friendly warning...
He is a sad looking roo. Sunny the Hippy Chick is absolutely correct, you gotta be careful with this one. I recommend you deworm him also. Use wazine17; one ounce per one gallon of water. (please dont ask me to break it down any further than that lol) If he wont drink from a one gallon container, use an eye dropper and try it that way, force it if you have to. Discard the the water after 24 hours. If he has worms, I can assure you that he'll perk up in a hurry after deworming him,a difference between night and day. Continue giving him the eggs,yogurt,chicken feed mixture to build his strength back up after worming.

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