rock, or dom?


Currently Birdless Hippy
11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
with maurice, the original space-cowboy
alright,,, this aint mine,,,,well it is now, was brought to me yesterday bout dead,,,, but , i cant tell the difference in barred rocks, or Dominiques,,, so its up to you guys/girls ,,,


EDIT: ta say,, i dont even know what you need to see closer to tell,, so if i need a closer pic of dude,, let me know
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thanks speckled ,,, he's been sitting in the backyard of a big shop for 3 or 4 days,, they tried feeding and watering him,, but he wouldnt do either,, and he had the dreaded "death gargles" ,, could barely breathe,,,,ive done a few things for him,, and at least today he got up, ate a LITTLE, drank on his own,, and MOVED hehe. They call me the "bird dude" round here,, so they brought him to me to have and make better,,,,i tried to tell them just because i have a yard full of chickens doesnt mean i know how to make them better

thanks for the info,,,is there a "easy" way to tell the 2 apart?,,,,,,,( gotta live up to my name hehe
Hello, the1much. I'm pretty sure one distinct difference is that Dominikers have a short rose comb, and Rocks have a tall single comb. I read somewhere that Dominikers were actually one of the breeds used to make Barred Rocks.

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