
I'm in central Florida and have seen a fast growth of rats. We continuously put out traps, poison and home remedies with not much result. They are devouring the feed. I don't know what else to do. Suggestions please!
:welcome :frow I noticed you have been a member for years but have only a couple of posts. I live near Ocala. I had a rat infestatio. I tried different baits and some the rats turned their noses up at. At the suggestion of a friend I tried this bait in my rat bait stations. I use the the bait stations so nothing else can get to the poison except the rats. I posted above but will again. I didn't find any dead rats laying around but I think it was because I had noticed tunnels around the coops and I think they went into their tunnels and died. Good luck...
RatBait.jpg RatBaitStationRev.jpg
We generally see rodents here in the fall. This year is different. There is a sudden explosion of mice and rats like I've never seen in the past 22 years living here. We are trapping and poisoning, but they persist. Full grown, fat, and healthy rats. We caught one in a live trap, it's been eating well.

So my question is is anyone else seeing this currently? We also have tons of predators about too. I would assume it has something to do with our more mild winter last year, and just a general up tick in nature.
Yes, we have been over run with mice this spring. And squirrels.
I had something (Possibly mice??) eat 4 banty chicks last night. To say the least I'm on the war path now. Put out traps but I do not use poison. Too many pets. Dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and geese. All of which would eat a sick mouse.
If you are anywhere near a town or city the rats are migrating to search for food after the restaurants shut down dining in. I would imagine the squirrels are doing the same with fewer people visiting the parks and feeding them.

Control your feed by using a proper treadle feeder and you will not have a rodent problem. Nothing else is cheaper or more sure. If you have a few full sized birds a treadle feeder will work but do not use treadle feeders around very young birds that are a pound or less. Some will get trapped.
Take equal amounts of plaster of Paris and corn meal and make a dough. Roll into balls and place along the rats travel path, usually along edge of building. The rats eat the dough but can’t digest the plaster. I did this twice and rats are gone. Non toxic too. Just don’t let your chickens get into it. And take the feed out of the coop. Rats run all day and night.

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