RodNTN's chat thread!

What was your username?
I'm Poka_Doodle on BYH though, so I know you.
Hello there! Glad you're back! Oh, that stinks, doesn't it? :hmm Either way, it is wonderful that you are back! How are you doing?
Yeah. Thank you. I actually left last time because I didn't want to have to talk about my dog dieing, and be on like five minutes each day for the next couple days.
Poka Doodle

I'm Poka_Doodle on BYH though, so I know you.

Yeah. Thank you. I actually left last time because I didn't want to have to talk about my dog dieing, and be on like five minutes each day for the next couple days.
Ohhh right!!! Lol. Now I know I knew you if that makes sense.

Sorry about your dog.

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