Rolling head on duckling?


7 Years
Feb 16, 2012
Darwin Australia
I have a khaki campbell duckling that was born on the 7th of July (its the 15th now) and he has been healthy up until today when I went to feed him in the morning. I noticed him curled up and his head rolling into his back, and not as enthusiastic to come up to me, at all. I took him out for a swim and he had a paddle but it wasnt lively like he normall does, like he didnt dive and barely dabbled his beak in the water plus wouldnt even take food (I dip pellets in the water for him and he eats them in my hand once they crumble). I dried him down inside and he is warm but he seems to be getting tired.

I did a quick bit of research and it sounds like duck viral hepititis? What can I give him? I really don't want him to die, he is the only one that hatched out and I've never had this problem before with ducklings. If culling is the only option though I can do it as I dont want him to be feeling ill with no way of helping him.

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