Roo attacks


10 Years
Sep 27, 2009
North Texas
Post pictures of your battle scars from roo/human combat

I have a silkie roo who has only pecked me once or twice (he is a push over). Nothing major. I want to see what other people go through!
I don't have any scars....yet! My roo was the sweetest boy. Let me pick him up and love on him. THEN . . . . I gave him a flock. It was out with the old, in with the new. He charges me daily. He has no spurs so no damage. I keep whacking him with a piece of foam I have. He's not really hurting me, but I may have to step it up. I don't want him attacking the kids.
I do not have pics of the wounds which have healed now....a neighbor's bantam flogged me good on my calf and I was almost on my front porch...the rooster went to the big roost in the sky for his actions.
I don't think my Brahma boys have spurs, but my Gold Brahma attacked my daughter's leg and left scratches from his claws. Sorry ,we didn't photograph the damage, but it took a couple of weeks to fully heal.

He since has had the 'alpha male' treatment of being carried around by my daughter under her arm and being made to look and feel inferior. Following this treatment his Red Pyle colleague has made efforts to mount and subdue him, so I think he has lost his status. Fortunately Whitey (the Red Pyle) is courteous to humans. If, heaven forbid, he becomes nasty, I'll document the evidence:eek:


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