Roo blocking coop entrance


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
We just recently introduced our new hens into the community coop. They had plenty of time to get used to each other because the coops are right next to each other. The new hens have been panicking at night trying to figure out where they are supposed to go. Only one or two of the five have figured it out so far. The problem is is that our rooster is guarding the door. He goes into bed before everybody else and pecks everyone who comes in. Last night I had just about enough of this and used a stick to poke him away while I ushered the babies in. He doesnt peck them hard but I'm wondering why he is making a point to do this. Its not just to the young ones it is literally every hen. Any advice as to why or how to stop it I would appreciate. I'm leaning towards getting pinless peepers for him. His attitude really needs adjusting. Hes ran at me the last few days but I did the "rooster dance" and scared him off. I think hes trying to compete with me for top roo.
If it were me, I would remove him from the flock until the new hens felt completely at home. If after reintroduction he kept up his BS he might have to find a new home. Is he a cockerel or mature rooster ? If a cockerel there is still hope for him unless his human aggression increases.
If it were me, I would remove him from the flock until the new hens felt completely at home. If after reintroduction he kept up his BS he might have to find a new home. Is he a cockerel or mature rooster ? If a cockerel there is still hope for him unless his human aggression increases.
He was hatched in April. I would seperate him into our infirmary coop/brooder but it's occupied by one hen who wasnt being allowed to eat by the rest of the flock. I might just have to put him in a dog crate for a few days. He doesnt have his spurs yet
Sounds like a teen ager with too much Testosterone and not enough brains. Hopefully he will mature sensibly.
Thats what I figured. I think hes getting a little cocky with all these females in his harem. I put him in his place last night with the stick. Had to poke him about 5 times before he knocked it off but he got the message. I'll see how he does tonight but if he keeps it up he'll be spending the next few days in a dog crate
We just recently introduced our new hens into the community coop. They had plenty of time to get used to each other because the coops are right next to each other. The new hens have been panicking at night trying to figure out where they are supposed to go. Only one or two of the five have figured it out so far. The problem is is that our rooster is guarding the door. He goes into bed before everybody else and pecks everyone who comes in. Last night I had just about enough of this and used a stick to poke him away while I ushered the babies in. He doesnt peck them hard but I'm wondering why he is making a point to do this. Its not just to the young ones it is literally every hen. Any advice as to why or how to stop it I would appreciate. I'm leaning towards getting pinless peepers for him. His attitude really needs adjusting. Hes ran at me the last few days but I did the "rooster dance" and scared him off. I think hes trying to compete with me for top roo.


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When my rooster was younger (yes hes still not a natured rooster) he loved me and I was able to pick him up now that hes gotten to his teenager stage he started to be aggressive towards me and I couldnt get rid of him because I loved him to much plus I know other people would put him down. I trained him and now hes still got that attitude here and there but I'm able to touch him not pick him up. He eats out of my hand and isnt as mean. He loved my dad but not anymore. I'm guessing because hes a male and tall and my rooster doesnt trust that. I have trained him when eating out of my hand. If he eats and pecks to hard I say gentle and he slows down. When I say rooster sky that means watch the sky so no predators are up there. I'm trying my best to pick him up but he hates gloves so I risk myself getting bit. But I'm hoping when he starts to get older hell learn. Sorry this was long I'm just showing my experience with an aggresive rooster. Just keep showing him your the boss and he listens to u
When my rooster was younger (yes hes still not a natured rooster) he loved me and I was able to pick him up now that hes gotten to his teenager stage he started to be aggressive towards me and I couldnt get rid of him because I loved him to much plus I know other people would put him down. I trained him and now hes still got that attitude here and there but I'm able to touch him not pick him up. He eats out of my hand and isnt as mean. He loved my dad but not anymore. I'm guessing because hes a male and tall and my rooster doesnt trust that. I have trained him when eating out of my hand. If he eats and pecks to hard I say gentle and he slows down. When I say rooster sky that means watch the sky so no predators are up there. I'm trying my best to pick him up but he hates gloves so I risk myself getting bit. But I'm hoping when he starts to get older hell learn. Sorry this was long I'm just showing my experience with an aggresive rooster. Just keep showing him your the boss and he listens to u
Oh I know. He lets me pet him and pick him up. Just lately he's been a jerk when it comes to his ladies. If its just me and him hes ok but put a female out there and he gets territorial. I have objects strategically placed around the yard just in case. Last time he ran at me I picked up the pitchfork and pointed it at him. He stopped real quick and gave me a look like "what are you gonna do with that thing". I told him to back off me then he gave me a side eye and wandered off.
Oh I know. He lets me pet him and pick him up. Just lately he's been a jerk when it comes to his ladies. If its just me and him hes ok but put a female out there and he gets territorial. I have objects strategically placed around the yard just in case. Last time he ran at me I picked up the pitchfork and pointed it at him. He stopped real quick and gave me a look like "what are you gonna do with that thing". I told him to back off me then he gave me a side eye and wandered off.
Oh yes my rooster knows the stick. At night when there trying to find there places he pecks very hard at there feet and causes blood so as soon as I take the stick I "peck" his feet and hes knows to stop. When I have people around him I give them the stick and he knows to stay away from them. Hes got spurs but there just thick pencil tips that dont really hurt. I lunge towards him but if he wants to act up he goes into time out. Maybe try and make a timeout area. My rooster hates it but knows he acted up.
Oh yes my rooster knows the stick. At night when there trying to find there places he pecks very hard at there feet and causes blood so as soon as I take the stick I "peck" his feet and hes knows to stop. When I have people around him I give them the stick and he knows to stay away from them. Hes got spurs but there just thick pencil tips that dont really hurt. I lunge towards him but if he wants to act up he goes into time out. Maybe try and make a timeout area. My rooster hates it but knows he acted up.
We have a timeout area. Its a kiddie pool. They get in and can't figure out how to get out lol

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