Roo/Hen ratio question


9 Years
Aug 22, 2010
So how many hens can a healthy Roo handle?
I want to isolate my Roo with the correct number of hens so I have a good bunch of eggs to test my new (to me) incubator.

My Roo is a Barred Rock cross mutt, my hens are Barred Rock (5) and Black Sex Link (5)


I think it depends on the age/size/vigour/health of the roo really. I have two roos, and at times have had as many as 30 hens, all in one coop and free ranging together. of all the eggs I crack open for eating, I haven't found a non-fertilised one in over a year. At the moment I have 20 hens, and they all look rather shabby due to all the treading the roos do to them. I think if your roo is healthy, he should handle your 10 hens with ease...
Thanks for the info! Now I just have to find someone in SW Ontario with White Rock Hatching eggs and our Dynasty will begin!

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