Roo Hen

Raul Herrera

In the Brooder
Dec 19, 2017
have out ever heard of a Rooster Hen(I don’t know what people call them). The reason for this is that I recently found out from my father who was raised in a ranch that one of my hens are one of these rooster hen. My hen will pretty much fight my other rooster who aren’t in the same flock, she won’t submit to him and will continue to fight and her sister is the only one who submit (btw my rooster is afraid of her). My other evidence is my father told me it was “breeding” with the one of my other rooster hen.
It's either female or male. The only exception being a hermaphrodite which is most likely a chimera. If the hen's functional ovary ceases to function, she will develop male characteristics and mannerisms, but genetically, she will still be a female.

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