Roo Hurt My Silkie - Execution Tomorrow Morning - I'm a wimp

No problem. Good luck! First one always is always messier and more time consuming than you expect it to be. Make sure you have a really sharp knife now and if you can't hold the bird down, lightly wrap him up in a towel with his feet out back rubber chicken style. If you are skinning, and want to keep the feet, scald them in 140 degree water for about 45 seconds and the skin will come right off. If not, scald longer or hotter, but not both. :p
Where a clear plastic face shield like the kind you find at Home Depot/hardware store. Sunglasses or goggles are good to. Will keep the blood from squirting in your mouth or eyes unless you like that sorta thing. Can't get much fresher I suppose

Oh, one thing that tastes pretty good is if you are daring enough to eat the blood. You put in a few dashes of salt in maybe a quarter cup of water into a bowl, then when you butcher, collect the blood in the salt water mix and stir till even. Once it is coagulated, boil it in a pot of water to cook it. Then cut it to cubes and put over brocoli. It tastes pretty good. It's more of a cultural food thing though so it is possible that it is an acquired taste. If you do do that though, make sure you don't drop any feathers in to it!

When we use a bird... we really use the bird.
That's exactly the way it should be. My Aunt is 2nd generation Chinese American.
She speaks around six different languages. When I told her I had chickens
she got excited and told me the same thing. Nothing goes to waste. When she
talks about eating the legs and head it really sounds good, although most
typical Americans would say gross. Most people don't know chicken doesn't
grow on a tree in the shape of a nugget. We'll save that for the next thread.

My 85 year old first generation Italian American grandfather comes over to see my chickens
and loves them. He tells me how it brings back memories of a time that
everyone here had chickens. I think he is the only member of my family that
understands my fascination with these birds.

I will pass on the blood thing. If I was at your place for dinner I would definately
try it. Heck, the Japanese eat chicken raw in place of Sashimi. Once again
we'll save that one for the exotic recipes thread. Consider starting one.

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Most people don't know chicken doesn't
grow on a tree in the shape of a nugget.

That is soo funny!

Mmmm... Spicy chicken feet tastes SOOOO good! If you ever go to dim sum ask for them! You eat everything on them except the bones themselves.

Wish you the best of luck tomorrow!​
Good luck with your processing.

By the way, I cleaned up this thread.
We are not here to do anything more then offer the advice the OP asked for. We are not here to pass judgement. THis is a meat bird forum. The topic is meat birds.

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