Roo not acting right

yardbird tx

12 Years
Dec 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
This is my speckled Sussex rooster. He stays in the coop and dose not show any interest in the hens. He is normally very spunky and full of himself. Also look at the tips of his comb they have turned black. I don't think it is frost bite It has not froze here in a long time.



Thanks, Joe
if he is sleepy he needs water!!! he might be an old rooster too and... doing just like humans... start ageing (the comb) and has had his share with the girls.
The black tips on his comb could be scabs. Can you give some more info? Is he still eating and drinking? Is his poop normal? Does he have any other signs of damage? Do you have other roos? If so, where is this one in the pecking order? If he was your alpha roo and recently displaced, he may be a little bummed right now. If not, additional info would help.
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