Roo or Hen?

Looks like an EE girl to me. Probably more mixed blood than ameraucana due to lack of muffs/beard. Green legs are a pretty good sign of a cross though, so I agree it's an EE.

Her size and build specifically her slender legs coupled with the very light pink comb and total lack of glossy saddle and hackle feathers.

The pointed neck feathers are typical of EE pullets of that color and are not the narrow shiny sex feathers that indicate gender.

Compare her to the cockerel in the backround of the picture and you can see the difference.
I say pullet also, looks like it definintly has game in it. I will post a pic of my standard games soon as I can, but yours look alot like my game girls.
1. Certainly a PULLET

2. I would guess Old English mix

most EE's follow the Ameraucana standard except for color pattern and egg color, they nearly always have the right (pea) comb and muffs/beard. Even hatcheries have standards.

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