Roo or no Roo and breed if ya have a guess!

chicks n dogs

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 3, 2012
Some of these I already posted but these are updated with better shots. Thank you for the guesses!

1. Peanut Butter-

2. Franie monster - polish yes but Roo or pullet?

3. Umbrella -

4. Red -

5. Baby -

6. Lady Gaga - black sex link - hen - added her just cause I felt bad leaving her out!
i think the 1st ones a cockerel (could be a rir pullet)
polish try posting on the polish thread to me those feathers say cockerel hens feathers from what i have seen dont "drap" down over the wings and saddle area like yours is
the rest look like pullets

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