Roo or Pullet? Thoughts?


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
Hi all. I'm new to this chicken world and am curious on my two favorite chicks. Both are 7ish weeks old. Sophia the Silkie and Janice the Black Copper Maran. Thoughts?? Thanks in advance!!


I think Janice is the roo, lots of comb and wattles for 7 weeks. Sophia being a silkie, will be very difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age, and sometimes not till she crows or lays an egg.
They are beautiful birds!

The Maran looks to be a rooster. I can't tell with the silkie. Your silkie is beautiful, (really, really gorgeous!) but I was curious as to why she doesn't have silkied feathers?
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3, Janice looks like a cockerel, Sophie being a SilkieX will be harder to tell until it is older, you might want to get a good picture of her head/comb for a better idea.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. With a comb and wattles that large and red at 7 weeks, Janice is definitely a cockerel; and with what appears to be the emergence of long pointed feathers in the crest, I leaning toward cockerel with Sophia as well. However as the other members have indicated, young Silkies are notoriously difficult to sex, so I would post Sophia's picture again in about a month. By then its gender should be obvious. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your Sophia and Janice.
Thanks everyone! I'm very excited to be here. Any guesses on these other two?? The Amaracauna is Mariah and the Mil Fluer (breed?) is Eleanor.

Thanks everyone! I'm very excited to be here. Any guesses on these other two?? The Amaracauna is Mariah and the Mil Fluer (breed?) is Eleanor.

Beautiful birds!

I'm not sure about Mariah, but Eleanor appears to be a rooster.

We've had plenty of hens turn into roosters. Flo had to keep his name, poor guy (
), but I changed Shirley was changed to Shere Khan (he has the heart and personality of a tiger, that's for sure) and Vanda to Vick. Dexter was suppose to be a girl, but her name was Dexter also. I guess I kind of knew she acted and looked like a rooster for a long time before I was sure. He's twice as large as some of my other chicks of the same age.

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