Roo pen


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2023
Has anyone had success with a roo pen, long term. I have managed to keep them in pairs with hens but looking for a male only pen as I don't want to cull them and can only have so many paired
I keep 4-6-8 extra roosters together from each hatch and have for many years. I cull the majority for the freezer, put 2 jumbo males in with my hens for 8-10 days for hatching eggs and then band them and add them back to the boys club. Next month I’ll pick a couple new roosters for breeding and do it again and again. Then when new hatch gets mature the roosters go in freezer and the new blood begins. You do get some bald spots from them being together and sexually frustrated but I don’t lose any and very seldom is there any blood/scalping. Most scalping I have seen is from the females.. also I trim a long top beak, nail clippers work good to take that hook off to stop scalping..

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