Rooster and Dominant Hen Ganging up on Other Hens


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2017
Hello everyone! I have 4 hens and one rooster. 3 hens are 3 years, one 2 years, and the rooster is 9 months. The two year old hen is the dominant of the hens and when the rooster tries to mount another hen, she attacks the head of the hen he’s mounting. It almost seems like a gang-rape! Jealousy? Is this normal?
Recently, the rooster has pursued one hen in particular who is the most timid and between him and the dominant hen, I’m afraid they are going to hurt her. The last few days, I’ve allowed her to free range the whole yard so she has some peace, but if she’s in the coop, she hides in a nesting box. I just received a chicken saddle today and am hoping that will help, but I’m still concerned about them pecking at her head which I witnessed today. It seemed pretty viscious!
I hate to get rid of the dominant hen because she is the youngest and is a really good layer. We’ve had extremely hot days she still lays every day like a champ.
I considered adding another small coop and separating them for now, but my husband thinks reintroducing them at another time will be a problem.
Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Hello everyone! I have 4 hens and one rooster. 3 hens are 3 years, one 2 years, and the rooster is 9 months. The two year old hen is the dominant of the hens and when the rooster tries to mount another hen, she attacks the head of the hen he’s mounting. It almost seems like a gang-rape! Jealousy? Is this normal?
Recently, the rooster has pursued one hen in particular who is the most timid and between him and the dominant hen, I’m afraid they are going to hurt her. The last few days, I’ve allowed her to free range the whole yard so she has some peace, but if she’s in the coop, she hides in a nesting box. I just received a chicken saddle today and am hoping that will help, but I’m still concerned about them pecking at her head which I witnessed today. It seemed pretty viscious!
I hate to get rid of the dominant hen because she is the youngest and is a really good layer. We’ve had extremely hot days she still lays every day like a champ.
I considered adding another small coop and separating them for now, but my husband thinks reintroducing them at another time will be a problem.
Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated!
4 hens are not enough to cope with the hormonal outbursts of a young rooster and if you can not increase the amount of hens to at least 8-10, I would suggest to get rid of the rooster.
4 hens are not enough to cope with the hormonal outbursts of a young rooster and if you can not increase the amount of hens to at least 8-10, I would suggest to get rid of the rooster.
I just read that today. The rooster wasn’t planned - got him and Miss Dominatrix from a neighbor who was moving. I love watching him and how he protects his girls and breaks up their minor spats. He hasn’t been too aggressive up until now, but I suspect that’s because he was so young. Must have hit puberty! He is such a handsome guy too - very regal. Thanks!
Stanley in the front. Flossie is the “blonde” Easter-egger that is getting picked on 😢
I found this very interesting. I have 2 older girls (about 1 1/2 years old); and 3 (5 months old) hens and 1 rooster (5 months old). One of the young hens, who I call Bossy Betsy, picks on the other hens. Betsy is much larger, and more aggressive than any other hen I have ever seen. I keep thinking she is a rooster, but does not have tail feathers and she doesn't crow. She is vicious and will go after the girls that my Lover Boy is romancing! I keep hoping that he will keep her in line! But he is a lover not a fighter....
I found this very interesting. I have 2 older girls (about 1 1/2 years old); and 3 (5 months old) hens and 1 rooster (5 months old). One of the young hens, who I call Bossy Betsy, picks on the other hens. Betsy is much larger, and more aggressive than any other hen I have ever seen. I keep thinking she is a rooster, but does not have tail feathers and she doesn't crow. She is vicious and will go after the girls that my Lover Boy is romancing! I keep hoping that he will keep her in line! But he is a lover not a fighter....
Gilda is my bossy girl! She was in two previous homes and I was told their other hens were picking on her 😏 She established the pecking order here right away, so I knew she was probably the bully in her previous homes. Mostly not a big deal except when she teams up with Stanley when he’s romancing one of the other girls. She visciously attacks their head like she’s helping him or is jealous. It’s bizarre! Ugh, I just want them all to get along 🤣 Thanks for your reply - at least I know it may not be such unusual behavior!
Gilda is my bossy girl! She was in two previous homes and I was told their other hens were picking on her 😏 She established the pecking order here right away, so I knew she was probably the bully in her previous homes. Mostly not a big deal except when she teams up with Stanley when he’s romancing one of the other girls. She visciously attacks their head like she’s helping him or is jealous. It’s bizarre! Ugh, I just want them all to get along 🤣 Thanks for your reply - at least I know it may not be such unusual behavior!

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