Rooster are picking on my hens

For beginners I would just keep All hen flock, hens can be funner and easier to deal with, boys can spoil the whole thing for you if don’t know what your doing and how to handle situations.

I would keep males separate till they mature, a bad rooster isn’t worth anyone’s time, if the birds can’t grow outta a bad behavior,they don’t needs be around.

You don’t need a male OTHER then fertile eggs.Yes,a male can provide protection,but you don’t always get this with a rooster,I have come across a total of maybe one rooster who I seen attack another animal for hens sake.
Well, I'm so sorry I haven't replied to you all! I thought I was going to be receiving email alerts when people replied but I haven't been so I thought no one was replying. I'll have to take a look at how my account is set up. Thanks for all the replies and sorry about the late response!

Anyways, right after I posted, we decided that he was jumping on the mating wagon earlier than the hens and they were trying to get away which were the same thoughts as you all! I think we were right. My ladies just weren't ready for his aggressive tactics. But, regardless of that he also started coming at my kiddos. He pecked at my 10 year old and caused some major bruising. The next day he chased her all the way into the house...she is such an animal lover and loves her chickens but for her to be afraid to go out into the yard to be with them was not okay so unfortunately he became dinner. I will be the first to was really hard for our family to butcher it being that we raised it from a chick but it was what was best for our family as well as the other birds. The flock (14 hens, 1 rooster) seems much more at peace. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your input! I will definitely post again if I need advice because we are newbies at this!

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