Rooster attacking new owner, rehomed silkie previously friendly


Oct 10, 2017
Does anyone have any clue what might be going on here or any advice whatsoever?

I hand raised a Silkie rooster from a chick, I was trying for a hen, but both chicks turned out to be roosters, and I had to find new homes for them because I'm not allowed to keep roosters..

I didn't want to get rid of this one because he was so friendly, very small, and cute, and wanted me to hold and pet him all the time. I kept him in with 3 hens, in a small cage at first, and then enclosed in a larger run, it is 11 feet by 5 feet, and had 4 chickens, him, and 3 hens so not a huge huge space. I held him for literally hours a day sometimes. He liked for me to walk around while holding him, and he liked to sit on my lap and watch The Office on Netflix. I raised these chicks in my bedroom over the winter and they got held a lot and were both extremely tame..

So..I found a new home for him and re homed him at around 4 months. He has been in his new home for about a month now, where he has free range in a very large fenced property, with a Silkie hen.

And now, his new owner says that every time she goes to let him out of the coop in the morning, he attacks her! He attacks her and her husband every time he sees them, and sneaks up on her in the garden and attacks her from behind! She says she doesn't know what to do because she doesn't want to kick him away, she's afraid she will hurt him. She and her husband have resorted to bringing a towel with them when they go near him, to throw over him when he attacks which he does every morning when they let him out of the coop.

She says he is also crowing literally a hundred times in a row which he never did here. He would only crow a few times in a row. And was very late to crow compared to the other silkie rooster who was bigger, I got rid of sooner.

What the bloody heck is going on? He only ever bit anyone once in the time I had him, he bit me once when I was picking up one of the hens and she was freaking out, he ran over and bit me once then in the back of the hand that was holding her. Clearly was defending her.

What can his new owner do to make him behave?

I am going to go over there and see if he still recognizes me and wants me to pick him up, or if he tries to attack me, within the next day or two.. Help? Any idea what might be going on, or what the new owner can do about this?
Thanks.. :\
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Sounds like he reached his cockerel stage.This is actually quite normal.You guys can try rehabilitation.Pretty much all you can do to rehabilitate a rooster is run at him,try holding him down in a submissive position and make severl attempts to stop the crowing.Everytime he crows run at him.Try holding him when he cats up and cover his eyes and talk to him.If all fails,best thing to do is cull him,or give him to someone who wants to deal with his behavior. A link in roosters
Sounds like he reached his cockerel stage.This is actually quite normal.You guys can try rehabilitation.Pretty much all you can do to rehabilitate a rooster is run at him,try holding him down in a submissive position and make severl attempts to stop the crowing.Everytime he crows run at him.Try holding him when he cats up and cover his eyes and talk to him.If all fails,best thing to do is cull him,or give him to someone who wants to deal with his behavior. A link in roosters

Thank you so much, I'll try that when I go over there, and keep looking for solutions. ..It's So odd to me that he was so friendly here, and then immediately when she took him he acted rotten to her and her husband..We both thought he would adjust once he got used to them but nothing is changing..
He became a man and got a girl that's what happened. He's got his own "stuff" and territory he's doing what they do protecting what's his. He might calm down on his own in a few months when those hormones aren't raging so hard. I try to be patient with the young fellas, the lights are on but nobody's home for a couple of months. :)
I raise roosters, you just need to fight through this stage.
I'll carry a hose with me if I'm busy outside, if I catch my cockerels trying to sneak up behind me I'll spray them with the "jet" setting. It's enough force to scare them, and they know it's from me.
Brooms are another option, knock them off their feet a few times and they'll begin getting a hint.
My bantam cockerel attacked my mom so she chased it down, grabbed him by his tail and carried him around the flock upside down. Then held him regularly for probably a good half hour. He's never done it since.
During the winter my Jersey Giant attacked me in the coop. I had snow pants and thick boots on so I just kicked him back. When he tried to flee I sat on him for a few minutes (Not all my weight! That'd kill him). It happened once more after that, now he's my "bucket buddy". He follows me whenever I'm carrying water or food to anyone so he can peek inside.

Unfortunately, I try not to let them be cuddly for your reason. They grow and change.
I tolerate following at a distance, eating from my hand, and just general company. If I'm sitting down they can come over, because then I'm paying attention to their intentions ;)
One thing I've noticed is don't get comfortable with them until you KNOW you can be. Good luck!!!
I raise roosters, you just need to fight through this stage.
I'll carry a hose with me if I'm busy outside, if I catch my cockerels trying to sneak up behind me I'll spray them with the "jet" setting. It's enough force to scare them, and they know it's from me.
Brooms are another option, knock them off their feet a few times and they'll begin getting a hint.
My bantam cockerel attacked my mom so she chased it down, grabbed him by his tail and carried him around the flock upside down. Then held him regularly for probably a good half hour. He's never done it since.
During the winter my Jersey Giant attacked me in the coop. I had snow pants and thick boots on so I just kicked him back. When he tried to flee I sat on him for a few minutes (Not all my weight! That'd kill him). It happened once more after that, now he's my "bucket buddy". He follows me whenever I'm carrying water or food to anyone so he can peek inside.

Unfortunately, I try not to let them be cuddly for your reason. They grow and change.
I tolerate following at a distance, eating from my hand, and just general company. If I'm sitting down they can come over, because then I'm paying attention to their intentions ;)
One thing I've noticed is don't get comfortable with them until you KNOW you can be. Good luck!!!
Okay I just had to tell you, when you wrote that you sprayed them with the jet setting, I laughed SO hard!! Just what I needed!

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