Rooster behavior change

Oncoming Storm

Jun 3, 2019
So, about a month ago I posted a forum about Beanie and a facial injury. Ahaha jokes on me. His son attacked him again and completely stripped his head of feathers and gave him the same exact injury...Seriously, his head was so swollen I was afraid he wasn’t going to make it...He’s fine and thoroughly enjoys crowing alllllllll morning to make sure we know he’s still here. Anyways, he’s been attacked several times now but my dad won’t let me get rid of the roo causing the trouble because “he’s such a handsome bird”. But now Beanie, who was a sweet, docile, kind rooster, is becoming more aggressive towards everyone and overall in a grouchy mood. I mean, it’s understandable good grief. But my question is what can I do so that he can be that sweet roo that I raised him as instead of this reserved, aggressive rooster he’s becoming.
Separate the roosters,if there isn't enough hens they will continue to attack each other,separate beanie's son from the flock,or the one that's not the leading rooster of the flock,in your case it sound like beanie is the leading one and the son is trying to take over,beanie's aggressive behavior is because he is feeling competition and stress from his son trying to take over,I might be wrong but this is what happened to me,had my rooster becoming aggressive towards me so I sold off his son that was causing him trouble,few weeks later he went back to his normal self
Separate the roosters,if there isn't enough hens they will continue to attack each other,separate beanie's son from the flock,or the one that's not the leading rooster of the flock,in your case it sound like beanie is the leading one and the son is trying to take over,beanie's aggressive behavior is because he is feeling competition and stress from his son trying to take over,I might be wrong but this is what happened to me,had my rooster becoming aggressive towards me so I sold off his son that was causing him trouble,few weeks later he went back to his normal self
Beanie is currently recovering up at the house far from the others. I never had a problem with any of my roosters until the second-in-command died and then all of the sudden Bean (the son) was like sldnfkeoxnfbrbeks gimme power. Now he fights with almost any rooster but mostly Beanie. I think it’s making it worse that Beanie is quite a bit smaller than Bean and refuses to back down. He’s stubborn like that.
How many roosters and hens do you have?
Six Roos, nine adult hens and four pullets that will be integrated soon. We used to have more hens as of two days ago but the pests seem to prefer the hens :(. I know there’s a lot of roosters but they all have their own cliques that fall into their age groups and all of the breeds are more docile, except for my RIR cross Bean.
Kill it, eat it, sell it, trade it, separate it, but get rid of one.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do but my dads like “dOnT wOrRy SwEeTiE iLl TaKe CaRe Of iT” if it were my choice, he’d be dead already. My dad always likes the aggressive roosters for some reason. (Don’t get me wrong I love my dad I’m just frustrated)
I have kept multiple roosters with less than the min of 12 hens/roo recommendation successfully. But only 2 at a time. I once had 4 but 2 were too aggressive and were removed. The other 2 got slong great and never bothered each other and never fought over the hens or overbred them.

I currently have 9 cockerels (6 mos old) living together in a run waiting for butchering. They have minor squabbles over whose in charge during feeding or the water dish but otherwise are harmonious enough. That is until a free range adult hen approaches the fence. Then all hell breaks loose and its every bird for himself. Then "Big Daddy" (free range rooster) has to come over and make sure they don't get any ideas. BD would fight them to the death if one ever got out of the run.

I need to eliminate all the cockerels but this whole coronavirus stuff has left us with little time for such a task.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do but my dads like “dOnT wOrRy SwEeTiE iLl TaKe CaRe Of iT” if it were my choice, he’d be dead already. My dad always likes the aggressive roosters for some reason. (Don’t get me wrong I love my dad I’m just frustrated)
I can understand wanting to appease your father but the birds aggression will most likely only grow. Flock health needs to be the top priority like it is with any pet or animal kept.
Have your father build or purchase a separate housing unit for the bad boy if he likes him so much. Otherwise, it would be the guillotine.
Six Roos, nine adult hens and four pullets that will be integrated soon. We used to have more hens as of two days ago but the pests seem to prefer the hens :(. I know there’s a lot of roosters but they all have their own cliques that fall into their age groups and all of the breeds are more docile, except for my RIR cross Bean.

Oh my! That’s wayyyy too many roosters! Knowing well that individual flock dynamics are quite varied there’s still the hens that are being overworked. Your particular problem is fighting and that is a dominance thing. Maybe the other 3-4 Roos should go making room for Bean.

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