Rooster bug help


In the Brooder
Sep 18, 2021
Hello everyone!

I've been having issues with my rooster Rudy for a long time with bugs. He is a Buff Brama. I use the Elector PSP for years on him and now its been a couple of months now and I just can't get rid of him. He seems to be the carrier as the girls very rarely get them. I've been cleaning the coop everyday as much as I can I empty the bins everyday that he sleeps in. I give him a bath everyday and I spray him and the girls at night. I am assuming they are mites as they are these little black round bugs you can even see them crawling on your arms at times. Looking for some advice and a plan B at this point. I am thinking hes getting them from the wild turkey that come by as they love to go close to there run and chat. I am in western Pennsylvania and I have also noticed since its been so damn humid lately these bugs love this weather.

Years before I would be able to spray him once and he would be good for about a month or so and I would just have to keep up with him.

Thanks for any advice and or questions!


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