Rooster cant walk


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2015
My Rooster will not bear weight on one of his feet. I cant find a wound or puncture but it is kind of swollen. Has some redness on top of foot. Any ideas? I've soaked it in Epsom salts but not sure what else to do.
He is a little over 4yrs old. These are the only pics I could get but he has clay on his feet too. You can see the swelling & redness tho. WP_20170608_16_39_07_Pro.jpg WP_20170608_16_39_13_Pro.jpg
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:lol: Great photos! The more the better I say!

I do see the inflammation.
I would first try washing the feet in warm soapy water. Take a soft brush and gently scrub them to help get the caked on dirt off the pads. This will let you inspect them a bit better to see if he has a Bumblefoot scab.

Soak in epsom salts to help (hopefully) the swelling. If he has scabs underneath the dirt, depending on how bad, you can try repeated soakings in epsom salts or use Tricide Neo - sometimes this will loosen it enough where the plug will come out without having to cut the infection out. (Tricide Neo can also help with infection - but he may need antibiotics as well - this is yet to be seen).

He also looks like he has some loose/raised scales which are typically seen with Scaly Leg Mites. While you are cleaning his feet, gently scrub the scales of the legs too. Dry them off and apply some Vaseline, A+D ointment or something similar. This will help smother the mites and heal the legs. Apply your ointment daily - when the mites are taking care of, the scales will start to fall off and you will see new flat ones coming in.

For Tricide Neo you can mix 1/2Tablespoon in 2quarts distilled water. Soak the feet for 5-7 minutes 2times a day. The mixture is good for 5days, then make a new batch. Apply triple antibiotic ointment or Vetericyn to the feet after the soaking and the feet are dried.

If you haven't done so, you may want to separate him and keep him on clean dry bedding. Offer some poultry vitamins in his water and give some extra protein like egg, tuna, beef liver or meat.

He may also benefit from spur trimming. Sometimes when they get long it can make it more difficult to walk. You can wait to trim until he is better, you don't want to stress him too much - I just thought I'd throw that in. It's one of those things, I'm guilty of - I look at my rooster and think - "I've reeaallllly got to get those spurs trimmed", but seem to put it off since it's not an emergency;)

Keep us posted.

(LOL - Now I've attached more images than what I wanted, but don't know how to fix it:():barnie

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Thanx SO much. I did despur him last night so as to handle him easier & separated him to his own area in our shed. On my way home now & will clean and soak his feet. Ill keep you posted. Again...THANK YOU.

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