Rooster Chat

I heard that trimming the hen's and the roo's fuzzy bum feathers can help. Never done it but it's worth a try.
i saw my polish roo really struggle with my cochin.....she is like small turkey size... he struggled 3 or 4 times to connect....but her first egg did appear fertile. I guess he does know something...and he isn't as fuzzy.....
I have a large Cochin in my mixed flock who only let's the bantam roo near her not the standard roo, and she had 3 eggs hatch that were all bantam sized with no feathers being trimmed. I couldn't imagine trying to trim feathers on a double feathered bird, so many of them and it's too close to winter in Ohio.
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. . . has anyone ever heard of raising roosters together? Is it possible? These three guys were all hatched together, with 5 other chicks, in May of this year. They all hang out together, free range together and roost on the same beam in the coop. Since they all obviously have different "moms" (probably our Blue Maran, Plymouth Barred Rock and Buff Orphington---their father was our beautiful Buff Orphington/RIR/Speckled Sussex mix who is now deceased)----and their father is dead-- we'd love to keep all three. We really haven't noticed any problems-- one or two challenges that look more like playing and never results in anything serious and them hanging out again together. Is it possible that they can live together in harmony? Lol

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. . . has anyone ever heard of raising roosters together? Is it possible? These three guys were all hatched together, with 5 other chicks, in May of this year. They all hang out together, free range together and roost on the same beam in the coop. Since they all obviously have different "moms" (probably our Blue Maran, Plymouth Barred Rock and Buff Orphington---their father was our beautiful Buff Orphington/RIR/Speckled Sussex mix who is now deceased)----and their father is dead-- we'd love to keep all three. We really haven't noticed any problems-- one or two challenges that look more like playing and never results in anything serious and them hanging out again together. Is it possible that they can live together in harmony? Lol


How many hens do you have?
I have 15 hens with two roos who grew up together. I have no issues with them. They on the other hand do not like the Cochins in the run next to them. Silly guys bow at each other through the fence and then try to peck. You will probably need to add more hens or your bottom male will be bullied out of mating and could turn mean. Been there ,done that.
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. . . has anyone ever heard of raising roosters together? Is it possible? These three guys were all hatched together, with 5 other chicks, in May of this year. They all hang out together, free range together and roost on the same beam in the coop. Since they all obviously have different "moms" (probably our Blue Maran, Plymouth Barred Rock and Buff Orphington---their father was our beautiful Buff Orphington/RIR/Speckled Sussex mix who is now deceased)----and their father is dead-- we'd love to keep all three. We really haven't noticed any problems-- one or two challenges that look more like playing and never results in anything serious and them hanging out again together. Is it possible that they can live together in harmony? Lol
I think also, they can. I have 3. They were not raised together and I just sold the old head guy and brought in a new head guy. All is well. But 2 are only just crowing for about 4 weeks. One is 1/2 bantam. So he parks himself by the broody momma in her pen with chicks (He decided they were his to guard I guess) The 2nd is a Breda - veerrrryy mellow. And the new big guy is an Ameraucana - very mellow also. No issues at all. I have 6 mature hens, 6 immature pullets, 2 bantam hens. They free range the yard all day. Looks like the Breda hangs out with the flock while the Ameraucana walks the girls to lay.

I have a lower number of hens than recommended...But so far no issues. If it gets to be a problem, I have other pens they could live in. They are all so happy running around together. And more eyes on the skies is a good thing I think.

Doesn't hurt to try, if you keep an eye out for trouble before it gets to be a big issue.

Good Luck!
I've got about 30 or so birds...and 6 Roos...most of the Roos are small or bantams...they all grew up together...different ages...the two older ones are a huge white rock and a black Silkie...the black Silkie is the boss....the only other big birds are a pair of cluttsy feather brained Brahmas that are afraid of their own shadow far things are pretty calm in the flock
My older hens put the run on the boys if they try anything...if things get ruff I will have to eliminate the trouble makers.

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