Rooster Euthanasia

Alexandra Runner

Jun 26, 2023
Hello, all! I have a mean rooster whom I've kept way past his welcome. He was my good friend for a good long while, but then he started attacking me and my family. My friends I usually cull with have been saying they'll cull again "in a few weeks." That was October, and I keep getting the same answer every time I ask. I'm tired of having to watch my back in my own backyard.
How do I humanely euthanise him? I don't want to use gas, but I've heard a lot of bad stories about cervical dislocation. Is there any other way? This rooster has been trouble, but he was still my good friend for a year and a half and I'm having trouble when it comes down to It.
For all that I was sorry to see our roo who turned mean go, the peace in the flock and for me and my kids as we tended chickens and collected eggs in safety was worth it! As some experienced chicken keepers have told me, regardless of the issue "Always solve for peace in the flock." I've found that to be excellent advice.

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