Rooster Eye Injury


Jul 12, 2021
This afternoon I noticed my rooster was standing with his eye shut. I caught him and opened his eyes, it looks like a small piece is missing. How can I treat this? Ointment? Irrigation? Will he be blind in this eye?


I would irrigate it. If you have some antibiotic eye drops, they have helped me in the past. Tobramycin is the kind I used. I can’t tell what the actual injury is though. The eye almost looks deflated.
This afternoon I noticed my rooster was standing with his eye shut. I caught him and opened his eyes, it looks like a small piece is missing. How can I treat this? Ointment? Irrigation? Will he be blind in this eye?

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Looks like an abrasion, very minor. Flush with a saline solution, & apply Terramycin eye ointment, or Plain Non Pain Relieving Triple Antibiotic Ointment if you don't have the Terramycin.
It's hard to tell in the photo because he was not entirely cooperative. But it looks like a small hole. How long should I keep ointment in his eye?

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