Rooster going in circles

Michelle. LeVrier

6 Years
Oct 22, 2017
We have a barred rock rooster that is going around in circles. My dad thinks there is something wrong with his head, but I don't know. On the bottom of his foot looks like it could be bumblefoot, and we had to separate him from other roosters because they were starting to bully him. Need help to find out what is wrong with him.
He may have neurological symptoms similar to wry neck,which includes running in circles or walking backward. It can be caused by a head injury and vitamin deficiency (E or B1 thiamine.) I would give him some vitamin E 400 IU daily, along with some poultry vitamins in his water. He may need some quiet time to recuperate.

Can you post a picture of his bumblefoot when you get time, or when he is feeling better?
Maybe you could also post a picture of his eye. Eyes can be swollen for a few days, where it it hard to tell if the eye is intact or not. I would put some plain Triple Antibiotic Ointment into it twice a day, and if there is any pus or drainage, clean that out with saline or water first before applying the ointment.

The back toe on the other foot looks a bit black or injured. The bumblefoot infection in the foot can be treated later by soaking the feet in warm Epsom salts water or betadine water. It may require doing bumblefoot surgery to remove the pus plug from under the scab. Here is a good article about bumblefoot and surgery:
Ok, thank you, I talked to someone I know about him, and he said that the walking in circles was separate from bumblefoot. He has gotten worse since the first time that we noticed that he was walking in circles. He was saying that maybe he has neurological problems. We are going to give him antibiotics, probiotics and electrolytes to see if we can help with the walking in circles then get to the bumblefoot.

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