Rooster In Hiding


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
I have two roosters that we hatched together and raised together now 18 months old.

One is an Ameracauna and the other a Buff Orpington.

The buff has a good 2 lb advantage to the Ameracauna, however, since their birth has always played second fiddle to the A. The A is the cock of the walk.

This week the Buff, not hurt or injured, is living in hiding.

Last night I discovered him in a separate brooding box and roost I built separate from the main coop with his head in the corner hiding in shame.

Today, during daylight hours he began doing the same thing. He's fine, mates with the hens, but has been cast out of the coop.

Thoughts? [besides making him a good dinner...]

Kurt & Heidi
I would try to put him back into the coop with the girls and the other rooster every time you catch him secluding himself.
Did that same process with younger chickens last fall - never thought I'd have to do it with an ole- timer...

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