rooster mean and aggressive to one hen

Well, the latest update is that the jailbird got a day pass on Monday and has a completely new attitude. Oddly enough, the hen he was hazing seemed to petition for his release. The other girls weren't too happy to have him separated, but I wasn't listening to them. They all seem to be doing just fine, which is a huge relief. Just as a warning, I left the fencing rolled up in the coop. It's slightly in their way...just enough to be a cautionary reminder that the Warden WILL have his arse next time. We seem to have peace in the house, so unless we have any missteps, Rocket man can stay and Mr Peanut remains # 2 (and he's lost some of his sauciness, so that's good. Poor dear must've been a bit confused for a few days..."Vacancy, no vacancy, I'm #2 then #1, now I'm #2 again? Make up my mind!") I'll probably never know what the problem was, but as long as it does not resurface, with the same hen or anyone else, all will be right with the world. He even chirped happily and ate some cracked corn out of my hand this evening during free range time, so he isn't too hesitant to get close to me. Thanks again everyone for your responses & insights. They've been very helpful.

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