Rooster or Not


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Rooster or Not?

We are considering whether to get a rooster or not. Currently we have 12 ISA Brown hens, six of them are two years old and the others are one year old. A friend has a bantam rooster that he would give us but don't know if that would be a good idea with our hens. Also may have another source of buying an ISA Brown rooster. Would like to know the pros and cons of having a rooster. In the fall we will be replacing our older hens with younger ones that will be roughly six or seven months old. Would appreciate your comments. Thanks.
Rooster or Not?

We are considering whether to get a rooster or not. Currently we have 12 ISA Brown hens, six of them are two years old and the others are one year old. A friend has a bantam rooster that he would give us but don't know if that would be a good idea with our hens. Also may have another source of buying an ISA Brown rooster. Would like to know the pros and cons of having a rooster. In the fall we will be replacing our older hens with younger ones that will be roughly six or seven months old. Would appreciate your comments. Thanks.

I guess that depends if you want chicks or not
I like having roosters. They really have a bad reputation that I don't think they deserve. I have a bunch of roosters, only one is mean and I think he's just a random bad one, since his brother is our friendliest. As for pros, a lot of people like them because they will warn the hens of predators and whatnot. The only con I can imagine is having a mean rooster, but once you put him in his place if he starts attacking he will not be a problem. Also, if you have very close neighbors they may complain about crowing.

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