Rooster ostracized by entire flock??


Dec 30, 2019
Finger Lakes Region
I have a strange situation.. It would appear that my entire flock turned on my alpha rooster (Mark Cluckerberg), dethroned him, and banished him. I missed the coup itself but arrived on the scene shortly thereafter. Mark wasn't bloodied or beaten, his nice tail plumage looked a little worse for wear, but he wasn't visibly injured anywhere and now he avoids the entire flock. He lingers on the outskirts of the main foraging area, quickly grabbing food when everyone else moves to a different area, then darting back into the thicket. There aren't any chickens that are singling him out and he doesn't seem to be avoiding a particular chicken.. When he's gone in the coop at night nobody attacks him or even challenges him, its like they all agreed to pretend he doesn't exist or something. The other roosters have happily lived with him for over a year now with a solid pecking order that seemed to be working really rather well, they would seemingly take shifts for guard duty and work as a team if a threat was detected.

Has anyone ever seen something like this?? I feel awful for my poor rooster, just living in the shadows.. he won't even hang out with his favorite ladies. :(

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