Rooster Shaking His Head


7 Years
Jun 29, 2017
Middle Tennessee
I've seen a lot of posts about roosters shaking their heads, and well, my boy has been doing this for some time now. I did treat him last week for sticktight fleas and I noticed today he still had a few on his comb but otherwise they are mostly gone. Is this head shaking most likely from the fleas?

I see roosters shake their heads a lot when they get frostbite on their combs and wattles, so I would think they would do it for any irritation about the head. I know nothing of stick tight fleas thankfully.
I've seen a lot of posts about roosters shaking their heads, and well, my boy has been doing this for some time now. I did treat him last week for sticktight fleas and I noticed today he still had a few on his comb but otherwise they are mostly gone. Is this head shaking most likely from the fleas?

How did you treat the Sticktight fleas?
I'm like @oldhenlikesdogs I would suspect that if the fleas are not completely gone, then they may be the cause of some of the head shaking.
I would also look inside the ears to make sure they are clear of any mites or fleas.
Look through his feathers for lice/mites.

Do a crop check for several days to make sure his crop is empty first thing in the morning before he eats/drinks as well.
How did you treat the Sticktight fleas?
I'm like @oldhenlikesdogs I would suspect that if the fleas are not completely gone, then they may be the cause of some of the head shaking.
I would also look inside the ears to make sure they are clear of any mites or fleas.
Look through his feathers for lice/mites.

Do a crop check for several days to make sure his crop is empty first thing in the morning before he eats/drinks as well.

I use Permethrin. It kills the fleas instantly. I also cleaned out his coop and sprayed inside it and the ground.
If you have photos of your rooster that would be great.

Did you pick of the fleas? From what I understand they can remain attached even when dead.
I would still recheck him thoroughly.
I'll have to get a video. He actually lives at my dad's. So I wont be able to get a video until this next upcoming weekend.

I didn't have to pick them off because I used a cotton swab to run the Permethrin on his comb and wattles and they died instantly and came off.

I'll check him over real good again next weekend.

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