Rooster Soap Opera

At 4 months it's only just begun.
Are they trying to mate the pullets yet?
Be ready to separate those boys at a moments notice,
cause when it goes sideways it can happen fast.
Don't worry about the pullets, they will likely be very glad to have those boys gone.

I think this depends on the flock. I had to remove my boy for a short time yesterday. All the girls went nuts. They were beyond excited when I put him back in. I think they really do form a family kind of bond. I did seperate the two boys at about four months. I couldn't supervise every minute and I didn't want any injuries, so that I can agree with.
@aart I think I threw you off by saying I have been in limbo on their gender for 7 weeks, that is how long they have been at my farm for but they are actually around 13-14 weeks. Their combs are quite red in comparison to my buff orpington female of the same age, but right in line with my friend's 14 week barred rock's red combs, so I am going to remain optimistic for another...4-8 weeks, lol.

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