We are currently integrating 7 week old chicks with our grown flock. We've moved the chicks into the run in a separate pen. They spend time together outdoors and have so for a couple of weeks. No chasing but the adults as expected prefer the chicks to keep to themselves and not get too close. Lately though the chicks have started wandering off into the main coop. Our rooster doesn't seem to like this and always spots them, even from afar. He will go to let them know they're trespassing and the hens will follow after and stand outside the coop to see what's going on. So it tends to cause a bit of drama. No injuries or anything like that, just scared chicks. It worries me because the chicks will eventually move into the coop with the adults so the rooster will sooner or later have to accept their presence there, but will he? Is it normal for a rooster to be territorial about the coop and will this calm down eventually? He is a great rooster, tends to the hens and is super friendly to humans.